
Chrome tech talk


with pual bakaus





productive web dev with amp

Sticky tape problem

99% of time is to find it. 1% to use it.

amp's mission

  • accelerate dev workflows
  • make doing right things easier

amp in a nutshell

especially for searching / social / sharing referring sites.

amp is more like a service.


  • less code
  • fast cache
  • up to date dependency
  • profromance
  • workerized
  • pwa

less code

html framework => a shift in dev

amp |> js lib |> vanilla js

less fexible less complex


keep connection => is wasting energy

do things better for cpu / battery

update every week

e2e test / auto test / bi-phase release cycle

web workers

muti cores && main thread issue

new amp-script

all handled by amp-script

await div.getBoundingClientBox()

no interaction in the amp cahce.

server-side render without overhead.

  • amp optimizer
  • amp-sw

start fast; stay fast




manipulate inside amp-script

Cannot use all javascript. Running in sandbox so cannnot use js funtions related to hardwire / permission

150 Kib before gzip(all files total)

size file

ls -lh dist/some.js

cannot mutate html with out interaction => cannot ajax. Coding running will be stop if exceed 5s.(time for accessing server is exclued)


  1. things can't use => find alternatives in amp
  2. too difficult => use amp-iframe
  3. webpack / parcel / rollup is necessary
  4. production mode
  5. no eval

example with jquery


feature policies

speaker -> kiuko

  • bit.ly/2Y3ZCHD
  • theannoyingsite.com
  1. http header Feature-Policy.
  2. iframe allow.

document / frameElement featurePolicy

experiment-web-features only works on canary.

headers can be set

  • unstable layout
  • vertical-scroll
  • unsized-media
  • over-sized img self(2.0) > oversized over 2


for production > report-only google reverse pictures if not being optimzed inside company.


amp + lp




ploymer japan

amp story live coding

<amp-story />
<amp-story-page />
<amp-story-grid-layer />
<amp-img /> / <amp-video /> ...
<amp-story-bookend />
  • 6 types of meta info
  • 4 types of template

full amp pros/cons


  • less components
  • best practice
  • good UX by default
  • really need for SPA?
  • using for a relative long time and without problems
  • no need to think of state


  • amp valid html? |> end up making a lib
  • is ket exists ...praser is not enough. want to use js/ts platform
  • JSX/TSX compile to amp possiblity?


5G / better CPU => will amp be a overkill?

two types of performance

  • network performance
  • runtime performance

some sites are slow even using wifi |> cpu limit. amp cares both.

is amp performance to make complex site?

  • unsuit for something like Gmail
  • specialized to make contentful page/ not spa
  • ec site && static ones

why pual is here

  • eccube conference

recommendation for learning amp site

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