
UTokyo FSI Symposium "AI for Future Society" 19-07-09

Deep learning to slove challenging problems



~100 new papers every day in 2018


2011 |> AI 26% vs human 5% 2016 |> AI 3%

restore/ improve urban infra




grasp success rate

2015 |> 65% 2016 |> 78% 2018 |> 96%

learn pouring

Detetion of diabetic retinopathy

expertise at low cost


Black box?

go beyond doctors age,gender...etc`


2017 Transformer Model


tools for scientific discovery

tensorflow and cows blog.google


current: solution = ML expertise + data + computation

solution = data + computation ?

Neural Architecture Search

  1. gen models
  2. train few hours
  3. use loss of gened models as reinforcement learning signal

arxov.org/abs cloud.google.com/automl


increase computering power |> double CPUs? |> TGPU

Reduced-orecision Numerics => full addersFA


edge TPUs => low power equipments

g.co/tputalk Tokyo2019

What's wrong?

know too little on start especially on new problems


  • bigger models but sparsely activated
  • single modlel to slove more tasks
  • dynmatic learn and grow pathways to lager ones

Pre-Example Routing && MoE layers

use of AI in society



1.AutoML is getting faster and more accurate than human AI experts.

2.Google's TPUs are so specialize in solving machine learning problems and runs at a insane speed.

  • ResNet-50 Training in 2 minutes

  • processing images at 1.05M/second

    3.Using AI to build tools for scientific researchs will unlock new possibilities.

    4.The starting point of computing a new model is still too low. Maybe we could put already trained models into a cloud and let all new models routing through them. Kind of training them to choose the dependencies by themselves.

    5.I like the last question by attendees, he asked if we are focusing too much on AI and lacking the theoretical understanding.(especially with AutoML)

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